Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)

A Table.

33. The Chapter of Bands, and Troops of Soldiers, containing Fourscore and seven Verses, written at Medina.

34. The Chapter of Saba, containing Fifty and four Verses, written at Mecca.

35. The Chapter of the Creator, containing Forty and five Verses, written at Mecca.

36. The Chapter ofintituled, O man, containing Fourscore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.

37. The Chapter of Orders, containing Fourscore Verses, written at Mecca.

38. The Chapter of Truth, containing Fourscore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.

39. The Chapter of Troups, containing Seventy and five Verses, written at Mecca.

40. The Chapter of the True-believers, containing Eighty and five Verses, written at Mecca.

41. The Chapter of Exposition, containing Fifty and four Verses, written at Mecca.

42. The Chapter of Counsel, containing Fifty and three Verses, written at Mecca.

43. The Chapter of Ornament, containing Eighty and nine Verses, written at Mecca.

44. The Chapter of Smoke, containing Fifty and nine Verses, written at Mecca.

45. The Chapter of Genuflexion, or Knee bowing, containing Fifty and nine Verses, written at Mecca.

46. The Chapter of Hecaf, containing Thirty and five Verses, written at Mecca.

47. The Chapter of the Combat, containing Fourscore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.

48. The Chapter of the Conquest, containing Twenty and nine Verses, written at Mecca.

49. The Chapter of Inclosures, containing Eighteen Verses, written at Medina.

50. The Chapter of the Thing judged, containing Forty and five Verses, written at Mecca.

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Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities., London, Printed, Anno Dom., Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 15 Jan. 2025: