Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of the Combat, containing fourescore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Good works are vain and unprofitable to the wicked, and to them that hinder their neighbour to follow the Law of God; he pardoneth their sinnes, who believe in what Mahomet hath preached; it is the very truth that proceedeth from his divine Majesty, but the Infidels have followed vanity, and the believers have embraced the truth sent from their Lord: Thus God speaketh to the people in parables. When ye shall meet the Infidels in time of warre, cut their necks, pursue them untill ye take them prisoners, then binde them; after this, ye shall either give them liberty, or put them to ransome, until their party shall lay down armes. If God pleased, he could give you victory without fighting, but his will is to prove you; he guideth into Paradise, them that are slain for the defence of his Law, and giveth them his grace. Oh ye that believe in God! If ye protect the Law of God, God will protect you, he will confirm your steps, and destroy the Infidels, because they have contemned his Commandments, and their good works shall be to them unprofitable; consider they not what hath been the end of the impious that were before them, and that God hath destroyed them? He shall destroy them in like manner, because he protecteth the Believers, and Infidels are deprived of his protection; he maketh the righteous to enter into Paradise, into Gardens wherein flow many rivers. The punishment of the wicked is sometimes deferred in this world, they live like beasts, but the fire of Hell is prepared for their punishment. How many Cities, stronger, and more opulent than that which they caused thee to abandon, have we destroyed? They found no protection. Are such as embrace the Law of God like to them that follow their own appetites? God hath promised Paradise to them that have his fear before their eyes; there