Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
is infallible. Man never ceaseth to require riches, and is troubled when evill befalleth him; if we give him good after his affliction, he saith, that he foresaw it, and hath no thought of the coming of the day of Judgment; if he be converted, thy Lord openeth to him the gate of Paradise. I will make the wicked to know their wickedness, and will most severely punish them; when we bestow wealth on man, he followeth his Idolatry and his sin; and when he is touched in affliction, he aboundeth in prayer: Say unto them, know ye not that the Alcoran proceedeth from God? nevertheless ye have renounced it; who is more impious then he that impugneth the known truth? I will cause them to see my miracles, even to the utmost parts of heaven and earth, and in their own persons, to the end they may know the truth of the Alcoran. Sufficeth it not them that thy Lord seeth all things? nevertheless, they are in doubt of the Resurrection, and of being assembled before him to be judged; certainly God is omniscient.
The Chapter of Counsell, containing fifty and three Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. God is prudent, wise, majestique; he understandeth all things, and is omnipotent; God hath sent thee the same inspirations that he sent to them that did precede thee; he is omnipotent and wise, whatsoever is in heaven and in earth appertaineth to him; he is omnipotent, and knoweth all things; the heavens open at his command, the Angels exalt his glory, and implore his pardon for them that are on earth; he is merciful, he beholdeth them that invoke Idols, and knoweth them all, but thou art not their Tutor. We have inspired into thee the Alcoran in the Arabique tongue, to preach to the Inhabitants of Mecca, and such as dwell about that City; we have sent thee to preach unto them the day of Judgment; there is no doubt that one part