Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of Bands, and Troups of Souldiers, containing fourscore and seven Verses, written at Medina.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Oh Prophet! fear God, and obey not unbelievers, God knoweth all things, and is most prudent in what he ordaineth; observe what thy Lord hath taught thee, he knoweth the actions of men; recommend thy selfe to God, it ought to suffice thee, that he protecteth thee. He hath not given two hearts unto men, he hath not enjoyned us to call your wives your mothers; those which you call your Children, are not all your Children, ye speak it only with the mouth, but God always speaketh the truth, and guideth men into the way of salvation. Call your neighbour by the name of his father, this action shall be acceptable to God, provided that ye have no evill designe in the heart; if ye know not his name, call him your brother in God, or Sir, God is gracious and mercifull. The Prophet is obeyed of them that believe in God, and honour his wives, as their mothers. Kinsmen are heirs of each other, it is so appointed by his divine Majesty to the Believers that went out of Mecca to follow the Prophet: It is ordained in Scripture to do good to your parents. Remember thou that we received the promise of the Prophets of thee, of Noah, of Abraham, of Moses, and of Jesus the Sonne of Mary, (to worship but one God) we received a strong promise: An accompt shall be required of their actions, and the wicked shall feel the rigour of infinite paines. Oh ye that believe in God! remember his favour towards you; when ye were charged by troups of enemies, he sent against them an impetuous winde, and troups invisible to your eyes, to fight them; he seeth all that ye do; those invisible troups came from the East, and from the West, from above, and below, when your sight was troubled, and your hearts failed you, because of the great number of your enemies; ye had already conceived