Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)


The Chapter of * Saba, containing fifty four Verses, written at Mecca.

IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Praised be God, whatsoever is in heaven, and in the earth, appertaineth to him; praise is due unto him, he is most wise and Omniscient: he knoweth whatsoever entreth into the earth, and cometh out of it, whatsoever ascendeth to heaven, and descendeth, he is gracious and merciful to his creatures. The wicked demand if they shall see the day of Judgment; Say unto them, yes, and that thy Lord knoweth the time; he knoweth what is past, present and future, and all that is in heaven and in the earth, even to the weight of an Atome; what is yet less, and what is yet greater than an Atome, is written in a book that discovereth every thing; he shall reward the true-believers that have done good works; he shall give them his mercy, and enrich them with precious treasures: such as have endeavoured to suppress his Law, shall feel the effects of his indignation. They that understand the Scripture, know that God hath taught thee the very truth, to guide the people into the right way, into the path of honour and vertue; but the wicked said among them, will ye believe a man, who affirmeth, that after your death ye shall rise again, and be new creatures? he lyeth impudently, he is possessed of the devill. Certainly they that believe not in the Resurrection, are in an exceeding great error, and shall suffer most grievous pains; see they not what is above, and what is below them? Consider they not the heaven and the earth? If I will, I can render it barren, and cause a piece of the heaven to fall upon them for a sign of my Omnipotency. We gave our grace to David, and spake to the Mmountains, birds, and mettals with him, to praise me; we commanded him to make cuirasses, and iron was soft in his hand, as wax. O lineage of David! Be not ingrateful, I see whatsoever ye do. We made the winds subject to Solomon, he commanded them evening and morning, from

* Saba is a Province of Leimen.
See Gelaldin.

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Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities., London, Printed, Anno Dom., Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 15 Jan. 2025: