Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
parable, without being seen; he sendeth his Prophets and Apostles, into whom he inspireth what pleaseth him; he knoweth all things, and is omnipotent; Thus have we sent thee our spirit to teach thee our Commandments; thou knowest not before what was written in the Alcoran, neither thy mysteries of faith, we have sent it to thee to be a light to the world: I will guide into the way of Salvation whom I please. I will guide him into the way of the Lord, to whom belongeth all that is in Heaven and Earth, and who disposeth of all things.
The Chapter of Ornament, containng eighty and nine Verses, written at Mecca.
Exteri intituled this Chapter, The Chapter of Gold.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull: God is prudent and wise. I swear by the Book that teacheth to do well, that we have sent it in the Arabique tongue, peradventure ye shall understand the Alcoran; it is written in our originall Book, majestique and mysterious. Shall I conceal from you the Book of Salvation, if ye be wicked? How many Prophets and Apostles have we sent in past Ages whom unbelievers have despised? We destroyed the most powerful among them, and all have incurred the pain of their predecessors. If thou ask of them who created Heaven and Earth, they will say, that it is the omnipotent, who knoweth all things. Who hath extended the Earth under you? Who established the wayes to guide you? It is God, he causeth the rain to descend from Heaven in your necessity; he maketh the dead, drie, and barren fields to revive; in like manner shall the dead come out of their Sepulchers. He it is that created whatsoever is in the world, of divers kinds and species, and created the Ships, and beast, to carry you. Remember the