Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
deferreth the chastisement of the wicked until the time appointed; when their time shall be come, he will punish them according to their demerits, he seeth all.
The Chapter intituled, O Man, containing fourescore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.
Reader, the Mahometans have entituled this Chapter with two letters of the Arabique Alphabet, i. s. The Bedaoi saith, that i signifieth ia, that is to say ô particula vocativa, and s, is an abreviation, that signifieth insan, [i e] Man, and that the Angel speaking to Mahomet, began this Chapter in this manner; O man! I swear by the Alcoran, &c. See Tefsir, Kitab el tenoir.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Oh man! I swear by the Alcoran, full of Doctrine, that thou art a Prophet, sent to teach the people the right way. This Book was sent by the Omnipotent and mercifull, that thou mayst instruct men in that which was not taught their predecessors: Certainly, what was said is true, viz. That the greatest part of them is incredulous; We will put a chain upon their neck, and binde their hands to the very chin; they shall lift up the head to complaine, but we will place before and behind them a great obstacle, we will cover their sight with darkness, and they shall not see a jot. Misery is upon them; whether thou dost reprove, or not reprove them, they shall not be converted. If thou preachest to them that believe in the Alcoran, and to such as believe in what they have seen, proclaim to them a generall pardon of their sinnes, and a very great reward. I make the dead to arise again, and write exactly in a book the good and the evill that men commit. Relate to them the Parable of those of the City, whither thy Lord sent his