Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of Truth, containing fourscore and eight Verses, written at Mecca.
Reader, Mahomet intituled this Chapter with the Letter named in the Arabique Alphabet, Ssad, which signifieth in this place, Ssidk, that is to say, Truth. See the Gloss of Gelaldin, Kitab el tenoir. They have intituled it the Chapter of Truth.
IN the name of God, gracious and merciful. I swear by the Alcoran, that this Book teacheth the way of Salvation; nevertheless, the Infidels resist the Faith, and are among themselves of a different opinion. How many have we destroyed in times past, that were like unto them? They cryed, and required succors, but they were no longer to be succored. The Infidels wonder, that a man like themselves should be sent to instruct them: they say, That he is a Magician, and a lyar, to preach one sole God. It is a strange thing! Their Doctors forsook their Assemblies, they went to preach through the City, and said, Persist to adore your Gods; we abjure the belief of the unity of God, the last Sect did not preach it; it is an evident lye. Was Mahomet chosen among us to receive alone the Alcoran descended from Heaven? Certainly they doubt the Alcoran, they shall know the truth, when they shall be in the fire of Hell. Have they in their power the Treasures of the mercy of thy Lord, omnipotent and bountiful? Possess they the Kingdom of the Heavens and Earth, and whatsoever is betwixt them? If it be so, let them ascend into Heaven with their forces; assuredly, they shall be shamefully beaten in all places. The wicked heretofore defamed Noah, Aad, Pharoah, the maker of Charmes and Temod, the Inhabitants of the City of Lot; those that dwelt in the Forest, and their companions, traduced the Prophets, and were punished after their demerits; nevertheless, the Infidels consider