Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
until He has separated the bad ones from the good.
Allah will not acquaint you with the Unseen,
but Allah chooses from His apostles
whomever He wishes.
So have faith in Allah and His apostles;
and if you are faithful and Godwary,
there shall be a great reward for you.
180 Let the stingy not suppose that [their grudging]
what Allah has given them out of His grace
is good for them;
rather it is bad for them.
They will be collared with what they grudge
on the Day of Resurrection.
To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens
and the earth,
and Allah is well aware of what you do.
181 Allah has certainly heard the remark of those
who said, ‘Allah is poor and we are rich.’
We will record what they have said,
and their killing of the prophets unjustly,1
and We shall say,
‘Taste the punishment of the burning.
182 That is because of what your hands have sent ahead,
and because Allah is not tyrannical to the servants.’
183 [To] those who say,
‘Allah has pledged us
not to believe in any apostle