M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)
29. Surely this is a reminder, so whoever pleases takes to his Lord a way.
30. And you do not please except that Allah please; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise;*
31. He makes whom He pleases to enter into His mercy; and (as for) the unjust, He has prepared for them a painful chastisement.
Chapter 77
The Emissaries (Murasalat)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. I swear by the emissary winds, sent one after another (for men’s benefit),
2. By the raging hurricanes,
3. Which scatter clouds to their destined places,
4. Then separate them one from another,
5. Then I swear by the angels who bring down the revelation,
6. To clear or to warn.
7. Most surely what you are threatened with must come to pass.
8. So when the stars are made to lose their light,
9. And when the heaven is rent asunder,
10. And when the mountains are carried away as dust,
11. And when the apostles are gathered at their appointed time,
12. To what day is the doom fixed?
* The Prophet does only what Allah wishes.