Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)

fire and are both good and evil, the latter being generally called ‘Ifrit.’ Their abode is Mount Qâf, the mountain chain which encircles the world. These are the creatures over whom Solomon held control, and a tribe of whom were converted to Islâm by Mohammed’s preaching on his return from Tâ’if 1.

The two classes of beings, human and superhuman, by which the world is inhabited are called Eth-thaqalân, ‘the two weighty matters,’ or el ’Hâlamûn, ‘the worlds,’ as in the expression in the Opening Chapter, ‘Lord of the worlds.’

Heaven, according to the Qur’ân and the traditions, consists of seven divisions:

Gannat al e ‛Huld (Chapter XXV, 16), the Garden of Eternity.
Dâr as Salâm (Chapter VI, 127), the Abode of Peace.
Dâr al Qarâr (Chapter XL, 42), the Abode of Rest.
Gannat ’Hadn (Chapter IX, 72), the Garden of Eden.
Gannat al Mâ’wâ (Chapter XXXII, 19), the Garden of Resort.
Gannat an Na’hîm (Chapter VI, 70), the Garden of Pleasure.
Gannat al ’Hilliyûn (Chapter LXXXIII, 18), the Garden of the Most High.
Gannat al Firdaus (Chapter XVIII, 107), the Garden of Paradise.

Of the presumed sensual character of the Muslim paradise much has been written. It appears, however, from the Our’ân, to be little more than an intense realisation of all that a dweller in a hot, parched, and barren land could desire, namely, shade, water, fruit, rest, and pleasant companionship and service.

Hell contains also seven divisions 2:

Gehennum (Chapter XIX, 44), Gehenna.
Lathâ(Chapter LXX, 15), the Flaming Fire.
Hutamah (Chapter CIV, 4), the Raging Fire that splits everything to pieces.
Sa’hîr (Chapter IV, 11), the Blaze.
Saqar (Chapter LIV, 58), the Scorching Fire.
Gahîm (Chapter II, 113), the Fierce Fire.
Hâwiyeh (Chapter CL, 8), the Abyss.

1 See above, p. xxx.

2 Cf. Chapter XV, ver. 44.

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Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 16 Jan. 2025: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/edward-palmer/1880?page=65