Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)

19 As for him who is given his book in his right hand,
he will say, ‘Here, take and read my book!
20 Indeed I knew that I shall encounter my account.’
21 So he will have a pleasant life,
22 in an elevated garden,
23 whose clusters [of fruits] will be within easy reach.
24 [He will be told]: ‘Enjoy your food and drink,
for what you had sent in advance in past days.’
25 But as for him who is given his book in his left hand,
he will say, ‘I wish I had not been given my book,
26 nor had I ever known what my account is!
27 I wish death had been the end of it all!
28 My wealth did not avail me.
29 My authority has departed from me.’
30 [The angels will be told:] ‘Seize him, and fetter him!
31 Then put him into hell.
32 Then, in a chain whose length is seventy cubits,
bind him.
33 Indeed he had no faith in Allah, the All-supreme,
34 and he did not urge the feeding of the needy.
35 so he has no friend here today,
36 nor any food except pus,
37 which no one shall eat except the iniquitous.’
38 I swear by what you see
39 and what you do not see:
40 it is indeed the speech of a noble apostle,
41 and it is not the speech of a poet.
Little is the faith that you have!
42 Nor is it the speech of a soothsayer.
Little is the admonition that you take!

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Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation, Islamic College for Advance Studies Press (ICAS), London (Distributed by The Centre for Translation of the Holy Qur’ān, Qom, Iran), Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 17 Jan. 2025: