Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
83 When We bless man,
he is disregardful and turns aside;
but when an ill befalls him, he is despondent.
84 Say, ‘Everyone acts according to his character.
Your Lord knows best
who is better guided with regard to the way.’
85 They question you concerning the Spirit.
Say, ‘The Spirit is of the command of my Lord,1
and you have not been given of the knowledge
except a few [of you].’2
86 If We wish,
We would take away
what We have revealed to you.
Then you would not find for yourself
any defender against Us,
87 except a mercy from your Lord.
Indeed His grace has been great upon you.
88 Say,
‘Should all humans and jinn rally
to bring
the like of this Qur’ān,
they will not bring the like of it,
even if they assisted one another.’
89 We have certainly interspersed for the people
this Qur’ān with every [kind of] parable,
but most people are only intent on ingratitude.3
90 They say,