Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
and on the Day of Resurrection
he will be a witness against them.1
160 Due to the wrongdoing of the Jews,
We prohibited them certain good things
that were permitted to them [earlier],
and for their barring
many [people] from the way of Allah,
161 and for their taking usury
— though they had been forbidden from it —
and for eating up the wealth of the people wrongfully.
And We have prepared for the faithless among them
a painful punishment.
162 But as for those who are firmly grounded in knowledge
from among them,
and the faithful,
they believe in what has been sent down to you,
and what was sent down before you
— those who maintain the prayer,
give the zakāt,
and believe in Allah and the Last Day
— them We shall give a great reward.
163 We have indeed revealed to you
as We revealed to Noah
and the prophets after him,
and [as] We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes,
Jesus and Job,
Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon,
1 That is, every Jew or Christian, before dying, will believe in the Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ), or, according to another interpretation, in Jesus (‘a).