Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
dissention, and horrour, through wine, and games of hazard, to choak your remembrance of God, and of praying to him; abandon wine, and games of hazard, be obedient to God, and the Prophet, his Apostle, and take heed to your selves; If you disobey God, know, that the Prophet is obliged only to preach publiquely the word of his divine Majesty; the Truebelievers, and the righteous have not provoked God in drinking wine, and playing at games of hazard, before they were prohibited, they will abstain for the future, and perform good works, God loveth the that do good. Oh ye that believe! God proveth you by one thing, to wit, by hunting, whether you take the game with your hands, or coursing on horse-back, to discerne them among you that fear him, and believe in his Law; whosoever shall offend him, shall be severely punished. Oh ye that believe! kill not your game, during the time of your pilgrimage to Mecca; whosoever shall kill of deliberate purpose, shall be judged, as if he had slain his Neighbours beast, he shall be judged by one among you, and be condemned to offer a present at the Temple of Mecca, or to give food to the poor, or to fast, or to performe somewhat of like nature, for the expiation of his errour; if he have repentance in his minde, God will pardon what is past; if he return in his sin, God will be avenged on him, he is omnipotent, and avengfull. It is permitted that you fish, and eat of fish during your Pilgrimage, but hunting by land is absolutely forbidden in this voyage; fear God, you shall all one day be assembled before him to be judged, he hath appointed the moneth of Pilgrimage, he hath established the Temple of Mecca for the devotion of the people, and hath forbidden to give impediment to such as bring thither oblations, and those that assume * Collers, to the end, you may learne to understand that he knoweth all things both in Heaven, and Earth, and that he is Omnipotent. Know ye, that he is grievous in his chastisements, and gracious and mercifull: The Prophet is obliged but to preach his Commandments, he knoweth all that you conceale in your hearts, and whatever you make manifest: Evil must not be equall to good, notwithstanding it be
* The ancient Arabians put upon their necks the leaves of trees, in devotion, when they arrived at Mecca. See Kitab el tenoir.