Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
be pleasing to you: Oh ye that are wise! have the fear of God before your eyes, peradventure you shall be happy. Oh ye believers! desire not the knowledge of all things, you will afflict your selves; be not curious to know at what time the Alcoran was sent from Heaven, God pardoneth your former curiosity; your Predecessours were alike curious, and in the number of unbelievers. God hath commanded nothing touching * the she Camell, whose ear is slit, neither that which is at liberty in the field, neither concerning the Ewe that hath brought forth seven Lambs, neither the Camell, of whom have issued ten Camels, but the wicked invent blasphemies against his divine Majestie, and are unwise; When it was said to them come, and observe what God hath taught his Prophet, they replyed, it sufficed them to follow what their fathers had observed, notwithstanding their fathers were ignorant and erroneous. Oh ye believers! be careful of your selves, such as be in errour shall not hurt you; if you follow the right way, all of you shall one day be assembled before God, who shall discover all your works, and reward you according to your merits. Oh ye believers! make your Testament, when your death approacheth, and take two witnesses of your own Religion, that are honest men; If you are in a journey, and sicknesse surprize you, you shall take two witnesses, such as you shall meet with, to serve your testament, and having prayed, shall deliver to them your will. If you doubt their integrity, cause them to swear to be faithfull in their testimonies, and not give themselves to be corrupted by your kindred. Conceale not your testimony, lest you be in the number of sinners. If you discover those two witnesses to have erred in their testimonie, substitute two other in their place, although they partake in your succession, and take oath of them to be more veritable in their dispositions, than the two others, otherwise they will offend God, and be numbred with the unjust. It is better to speak Truth, than to be in fear, lest your falshood be detected; fear God, and hearken to his Commandments, he guideth not them that disobey him. He shall one day assemble his Prophets and Apostles, and
* These are the Ceremonies of the ancient Arabians, which Mahomet renouneth.
See Kitab el tenoir.