Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Thou shalt see many of the Inhabitants of Mecca adhere to them, by reason of the sin they conceal in their hearts. God assuredly will be incensed against them, and they shall be confined eternally in the torments of Hell. If they had believed in God, in his Prophet, and the Scriptures, they had not obeyed Infidels, but many of them are impious. Thou shalte finde the Jews, and Inhabitants of Mecca, who believe in many Gods, to be very great enemies to the faithful, and the Christians to have a great inclination, and amity towards the Truebelievers; for that they have Priests, and Religious, that are humble, who have eyes full of tears, when they hear mention of the Doctrine which God hath inspired into thee, because of their knowledg of the Truth, and say, Lord, We believe in thy Law, write us in the number of them that profess thy Unity, who hindreth us to believe in God, and the Truth wherein we have been instructed? We desire with passion, O Lord, to be in the number of the just. God shall hearken to their prayer, and pardon them; he shall open to them the gate of Paradise, wherein is the reward of the righteous, and the Infidels shall inhabit the abyss of Hell. Oh ye who are Truebelievers! inhibit not the eating of what God hath permited, offend not God, he abhorreth them that offend him, eat of the meats that are lawfull for you, and have his fear before your eyes, he will not chastise you for what you have spoken at randome, contrary to your faith, without design of offending him, but he shall punish you for your oaths, if you observe them not; the satisfaction of an oath not accomplished, is to give food to ten poore of your Religion, and to cloath them, or to enfranchise a slave that is a True-believer; he that is destitute of means to perform this, shall fast three days immediately succeeding, such is the satisfaction of a not-accomplished oath; keep exactly your faith, so doth God teach you his Commandments, you will, peradventure, give him thanks. Oh ye that believe in God! Wine, Games of hazard, Idols, Lots, and divinations are abominations, and filthie practises of the Devill, depart from him, perhaps you will be righteous. The Devill desireth to sow among you dissention,