Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
their persons and faculties for the Law of God; he preferreth by many degrees, them that fight for his Law, and employ their wealth and persons for his service; to those that remaine idle in their houses, he is their protector, and hath prepared for them a sure refuge in Paradise: he gratifieth by many degrees of favour, them that fight for his Law, above those that live at ease in their houses, he is gracious and mercifull. The Angel said to the Infidels that they put to death, where were you with your Religion? they answered, we were weak and impotent in the Citie of Mecca; they said, Was not the Earth large enough for you to depart from the wicked? Hell shall be their habitation, except the women and children that were weak and impotent; peradventure God will pardon them, he is gracious and mercifull; he that shall depart from the wicked, to follow his Law, shall finde many places favourable to him, assuredly he will recompense him that shall quit his house, that shall be slain for his glory, and to follow his Prophet, he is gracious and merciful. When you shall be in a journey, you shall not offend God to abridge your prayers, that the Infidels may not surprize you, they are your declared Enemies; when thou shalt be near them, and shalt appoint the true believers to make their prayers, keep about thee a partie of them for a guard, while the residue make their prayers; having finished their Orisons, they shall do as the first; take armes and keep a guard, during the time their companions shall make their prayers: the Infidels desire that you quit your armes to surprize you; you shall not do amisse to quit them, if raine trouble you, or you be sick, but continue always upon your guard, God hath prepared for Infidels ignominious torments: Having finished your prayers, Remember God, standing, sitting or lying down, and pray when you shall be in a place of safety; prayer is commanded the faithful in a prefixed and appointed time. Be not negligent to pursue the Infidels, if you suffer, they shall suffer like you; but you hope for that which they must not hope for: God knoweth all their actions, he is most prudent in all his works. We have sent to thee the most true Book, to the