Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
made to erre? He, whom he shall cause to err, shall not find the right way. They desire that you may be Infidels, as they are, obey them not, unlesse they shall return to the Law of God; if they forsake it, kill them where you finde them, contract no friendship with them, except with such as shall come to enter league with you, with sorrow for what is past; to fight against Infidels with you. Had it pleased God, he had given them advantage over you, and they had beaten you, i they depart from you, and follow your Religion, God permitteth not you to do them injurie. You shall finde some that shall incline to believe you, and their companions, they will turn all to confusion, and fall into it themselves: if they separate themselves from you, if they desire not peace of you, and desist not to do you mischief, take and kill them, where you finde them, we have given you absolute power over them. One true believer ought not to slay another true believer, unlesse it be through ignorance; He that shall slay a true believer through ignorance, shall redeeme from slavery a true believer, or shall pay damages and interests to the kindred and Heirs of the dead, if they through curtesie discharge him not of them: If he be of your enemies, and a true believer, he shall ransom from captivitie a true believer; If he be of your confederates, he shall pay damages and interests to the kindred, and heires of the dead, and redeeme from captivitie a true believer; If he shall be destitute of means to performe this, he shall fast two moneths together for a penance appointed of God; God knoweth all things, and is prudent in what he commandeth. He that shall kill a true believer of deliberate purpose, shall be chastised in the fire of Hell, the wrath of God, and his curse shall be upon him eternally. Oh ye! who are true believers, when you fight against Infidels for the Law of God, cause your selves to be known, and say not to them that salute you, thou art not a true believer; If you desire the good things of the world, God possesseth riches innumerable, you were before like to them, but God hath given you grace, and seeth all your actions. The faithful that continue in their houses without sicknesse, are not equall in merits to such as employ their
See Kitab el tenoir.
See Gelaldin.