Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
they shall leave, after payment of the legacies ad debts; they shall have the fourth of your succession, if you have no children; if you have, they shall have the eight portion. If a man or woman be the heires of each other, and have neither father nor mother, nor children, and have a brother or sister, each of them shall have a sixth part of the succession; if they be more, they shall share the third, after payment of legacies and debts, without fraud, following what God hath ordained, he knoweth all your actions, and is prudent in what he ordaineth, it is so ordained by his divine Majestie. He that shall obey him, and his Prophet, shall enter into Paradise, where many rivers flow, and shall dwell in eternal felicity; he that shall disobey God and his Prophet, shall be cast headlong into the fire of hell, where he shall suffer ignominious torments. If your wives commit adultery, take four witnesses of their fault, that be of your Religion; if they bear witness, keep them prisoners in your houses until death, or until God shall otherwise ordain; punish whoremongers, concubines, and adulterers; if they repent of their fault, do them no harm, God is gracious and merciful to them that repent. Conversion dependeth on God, he is merciful to them that commit sin ignorantly, and speedily repent, he is Omniscient, and most wise. Pardon is not for them that do wickedly to the very hour of their death, we have prepared great torments for them that shall die impious. O ye that believe in God! it is not lawfull for you to inherit what is your wives by force, take not violently away what you have given them, unless they be surprized in manifest adultery; see them with civility, if you have an avertion from them, it may chance that you hate a thing, wherein God hath placed much good; but if you desire to repudiate your wives, to take others, and that you have given them any thing, take not any thing that appertaineth to them. Will you take their wealth with a lie, and a manifest sin? How shall you take it, since you have approached each other, and that you have promised to use them civilly? Marry not the wives of your fathers; what is past was incest, abomination, and a wicked way. Your Mothers are forbidden you, your Daughters, Sisters, Aunts, Nieces, your Nurses,