Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
marry but one, or the slaves that you shall have acquired; this is most necessary, to the end you offend not God. Give to women their dowry with a good will; if they give to you any thing that is pleasing to you, receive it with affection, and civility. Bestow not on fools the wealth that God hath given you for subsistance; assist Orphans, give to them the garments that shall be necessary for them, and entertain them honestly; instruct them until they have attained to years of discretion, and are capable of marriage; if you believe they demean themselves wisely, restore to them their faculties, and devour them not unjustly before they be of age. He that shall be rich, shall abstain from their goods, and he that is poor, shall take with honesty, according to the pains he shall undergo for them: when you make to them restitution of their goods, take witness of your action, God loveth good accounts. The children shall have a good part of what their father, and mother and parents left after their decease, of little or of much, there appertaineth to them a portion prefixed & limitted. When they divide their goods, the kindred shall have care of the poor and Orphans; do good to them, and honestly entertain them. Such as fear to leave after them a weak progeny of little children, ought to fear to wrong Orphans, they must fear God, and courteously entertain them. Those that unjustly devour their substance, swallow fire into their bowels, and shall burne in a great fire. God recommendeth to you your children, the son shall have as much as two daughters; if there be more than two daughters, they shall have two thirds of the succession of the dead; if there be but one, she shall have the moity, and her kindred a sixth part of what shall be left by the dead: if there be no children, and the kindred be heires, the mother of the dead shall have a third; if there be brethren, the mother shall have a sixth, after satisfaction of the legacies contained in the Testament, and of debts. You understand not to whom it is most requisite to do good, to your children, or to your father and mother, give them their portion ordained of God. The moity of what their wives shall leave belongeth to you, if they have no children; if they have, you shall have the fourth part of what they
See Bedaci.