Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Judgment, taste of the torments of hell fire, which you have deserved. God doth not lead into darkness them that worship him. There be that say, God hath commanded us not to believe the Prophets, until their sacrifice be consumed by fire: say to them, there came to you Prophets heretofore with miracles that you demanded, you had not slain them, had you been righteous; if they bely thee, know, they belyed the Prophets that were before thee, that came with miracles, the Psalter, and the book of light. Every man shall taste of death, and your reward shall be payed at the day of Judgment; he that shall depart from the fire of hell, and enter into Paradise, shall be happy. The wealth of this world is but matter of pride, that you may be tried in your riches and persons. Hearken not to the Jews and Christians, that have known the written Law before you, neither to them that believe in many gods, they offend God through their blasphemies; if you have patience, and fear God, you shal make a very good resolution. God hath accepted the speech of them that know his written Law, when they promised him to preach to the people his Commandments, and not conceale them; nevertheless they have contemned them, and changed them for profit of little value, and have gained nothing but misery; think not that such as rejoyce of the evil they have done, and affect to be commended for what they have not done, have escaped the punishment of their crimes, they shall certainly suffer great torments. The kingdom of heaven and of the earth is Gods, he is omnipotent; the creation of heaven and earth, the difference of day & night are evident signs of his Omnipotencie, to such as have judgement. Such as have, remember God, standing, sitting, or lying down, and considered the creation of heaven & earth have said, Lord, thou hast not created these things in vain; blessed be thy Name, deliver us from the torments of hell fire, thou wilt render miserable him that thou shalt thither precipitate, & the wicked shall be deprived of protection at the day of Judgment. Lord, we have heard them that say, believe in your Lord, we believe in thy unity, pardon our faults, blot out our sins, and give us grace to die in the number of the just; bestow on us what thou hast