Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
secret: There be of them that said to their brethren; Stay, and go not to the Combat; your Companions had not been slain, had they obeyed us; say to them, Deliver your selves from death, if you can avoid it, continuing in your houses. Believe not that those that were slain for the Faith are dead: on the contrary, they are alive with God; they rejoyce, for that such as ran to hinder them to fight, did not meet them; fear not for them, they shall rejoyce eternally in the favour of God, he will abundantly reward them that fight for his Law. Those that obeyed God and the Prophet, after being overcome, that did good works, and feared his divine Majesty, shall receive great rewards. When it was told them, the people have conspired against you, take heed to your selves; this discourse increased their faith; and they said, it sufficeth that God is our protector, they were filled with the grace of God, no more evill befell them, and they observed the Commandments of his divine Majesty. He is gracious to them that obey him. The devill will cause in you a fear of the Infidels, fear them not; but if you be good men, fear me. Afflict not your selves to see the wicked run to impiety, they hurt not God, he will not give them rest in the other world, where they shall be severely chastised. I increase the wealth of Infidels to augment their pain, they shall in the end feele grievious torments. God will not leave the faithfull in the state that you are in; he will one day separate the good from the evill; he doth not teach you what is to come; he, for that effect chuseth among the Prophets whom he seeth good. Believe therefore in God, and his Prophets; if you believe in God, fear to offend him, you shall be rewarded. Believe that such as are too sparing, and avaritious of the wealth that God hath given them, do well; on the contrary, they do very ill, what they spare without reason, shall strangle them at the day of Judgment. The inheritance of heaven an earth is Gods, he knoweth all things. Certainly God heard the speech of them that said, God is poor, and we are rich; he hath said, I will write what they have spoken, and keep an exact account of the murther they have unjustly committed on the persons of the Prophets; I will say to them at the day of Judgment,