Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
taught you the Commandments of God; if you observe them, you shall protect your selves from the malice of Infidels. O ye! you love them, and they love not you; you believe generally in the Scriptures, and they believe not what you believe: When they met you, they said, We believe in God; and when they were gone from you, they bit for anger their fingers ends: Say to them, Die with your choller, God knoweth what is in your hearts. If good happen to you, they are displeased; and when evil befalleth you, they rejoyce: If you have patience, and fear God, their malice shall not hurt you; God knoweth all their actions. Remember the morning, when some of thy people deserted the True-believers in the field of battle; and when two of thy Companions forsooke the fight, God was their protector: All True-believers ought to trust in him. He protected you at Beder, where you were a few men ill armed, perhaps you will fear him, and give him thanks for that favor. Say to the True-believers, Sufficeth it not, that God succoreth you with three thousand of his Angels: Truly, if you have patience, and fear God, he will come to succor you at need, and your Lord will assist you with five thousand of his Angels sent from Heaven; he will not send you this assistance, but to declare to you his protection, and to confirm your hearts. Victory proceedeth from his Divine Majesty: He is omnipotent, and prudent in all his works; he will extirpate in this world one part of the wicked, or will so sharply reprehend them, that they shall become desperate. Thou hast nothing to do, whether he shall pardon, or chastise them, because they are wicked: Whatever is in the Earth, and in Heaven, is his, he pardoneth as he seeth good; he is gracious and merciful to the righteous. O ye that believe! be not usurers, and fear God; peradventure you will obey his Commandments; Fear the fire of Hell prepared for Infidels. Obey God, and the Prophets, his Apostles, your sins shall be forgiven you; beg pardon speedily of your Lord. The extent of Paradise containeth Heaven and Earth; it is prepared for the good. God loveth them that give Alms in joy, and in affliction; that subdue their passion, and forgive such as offend them:
Benou Selimeth. Benou Ariteth.
Beder is a place between Mecca and Medina, where Mahomet gained a battle.