Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall eternally continue. See there the Mysteries of the Law of God, which instructeth thee with Truth. God willeth that no injustice be done to his people; whatever is in Heaven, or in Earth, appertaineth to him, he disposeth all things. There hath appeared no Nation on the Earth that hath followed a better way than you; forbid ye to do that which is not reasonable, and believe in one onely God; If those that heretofore had knowledg of the written Law, had believed in God, they had done very well; there be among them that believe what is veritable, but the greatest part are impious. They shall not hurt you, but with their tongue, and shall finde no protection against you; if they fight you, they shall turn their backs; they were beaten with shame and ignominy, where they made a stand, except, when they embraced the Law of God, and observed the precepts that were taught the faithful: When they returned in the wrath of God, they were beaten with poverty; because they believed not the word of his Divine Majesty, but slew his Prophets without reason, and disobeyed his Commandments. They that heretofore had knowledg of the written Law, are not all alike: there be among them that persevered in obedience, and in the night meditate on the miracles of God, worship him, and believe in his Divine Majesty, and the day of Judgment; preach honesty, prohibite to do things dishonest, and apply themselves to good works; certainly, they are good men. Hide not the good works which you perform, God knoweth such as have his fear before their eyes. Riches and children shall be unprofitable to Infidels with God, they shall eternally dwell in the fire of Hell: The Alms that they give in this world, are like to a wind exceedingly hot, or extreamly cold, that fell upon the tillage of them that did injury to their own souls, and wholly destroyed it. God did no injustice to them, they were mischievous to themselves through their sins. O ye that believe in God, esteem no man to be elected of God, that is not of your Religion: The wicked endevored to bring you into their disorders, malice appeared in their mouth, and that which their heart cherisheth, is yet greater: We have taught
The Jews.