Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
them: he loveth them that do good, and that after the commission of any sin, remember his divine Majesty, and implore his pardon. Who but God forgiveth sins? Such as persist not in their errors, and acknowledg their sins, shall be recompensed with the mercy of God, and enjoy his favor in Paradise. There were heretofore Laws and Means to conduct men into the right way; but consider what hath been the end of Infidels. The Alcoran was sent to instruct the world, to guide men in the right way, and to preach to the good. Dishearten not, neither afflict your selves in fighting; you shall be victorious, if you believe in God; if you have been wounded, the like hurts have befaln the impious. God so diversifieth days among men, to the end he may know them that are truly zealous in his Law; and that among you, witnesses be taken against the malice of Infidels. God loveth not the unjust, he forgiveth sins to those that believe, and extirpate Infidels. Do you believe to enter Paradise, and that God knoweth not them that fought gallantly? He knoweth them that were patient in adversity, and persevered in obedience to his Commandments. You expected death before you met it; you saw it with your eyes, and were victorious. Certainly Mahomet is the Prophet, and Apostle of God; there were many Prophets before him; when they died, or were slain, you returned upon your steps to impiety: They that return upon their steps, do no harm to God; he will reward onely such as acknowledg his favors; and men cannot die without his permission, and that in a time prescribed and predestinate. I will give the good things of this world to whom it pleaseth me, and will abundantly recompence them that praise me. How many Prophets, and men with them, that were not dejected through their afflictions that befel them, in fighting for the Law of God? They were not weakned, neither humbled to the Infidels. God affecteth them that are patient in their adversities, and such as persevere in his Law. They said in their afflictions, Lord pardon our sins, confirm our steps, and protect us against the Infidels. God giveth them the Riches of the Earth, and the Treasures of Heaven; he loveth them that do good. O ye that believe in God,
At the battle of Beder.