Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Gods. The Temple of Mecca is the first that God established on Earth, to be therein adored; he blessed it, and men shall there finde the instructions of the right way, with clear and evident signs of his omnipotency; to wit Abrahams place: He that shall enter into this Temple, shall be in a place of safety and priviledg. God hath commanded that Pilgrimages be made thither, by such as shall be able. He that is impious, must know that God hath not to do with him. O ye that have knowledg of the written Law, do not willingly conceal the Commandments of God, he knoweth all your actions; Say to them, O ye that have the knowledg of Scriptures, divert not from the way of Salvation them that believe in the Law of God; you desire to alter, and pervert it, but God is not ignorant of what you do. O ye that believe, if you obey many of them that have the knowledg of the written Law, they will mis-lead you into the number of the wicked. How can you be of the impious, since you are taught the Commandments of God, and that his Prophet, and his Apostle is among you? He that resigneth himself to God, is in the righ way. O ye that fear God, die in the profession of his Unity, imbrace his Law, and remember the favor he hath shewed you: you were all enemies of each other; he hath united your hearts, and through his special Grace you continued united to each other as good brethren: you were upon the brink of a pit of fire, from which he withdrew you. Thus God manifesteth to you his mercies, perhaps you will follow the right way. Some there be among you, that exhort the people to do good; they command to do that which is honest, and abstain from what is unreasonable; these men shall be happy: Be not like them that have abandoned the Truth, and followed lies; notwithstanding the Truth was known to them, they shall suffer great torment in the day wherein the visage of the good shall be white, and that of the wicked shall be black. It shall be said to them that have black visages; Have you followed impiety, after you made profession of the Faith? Taste this day the torment due to your sin. Such as shall have white visages, shall be in the favor of God; in which they shall
See Kitab el tenior.
Abrahams place (say the Turks) is a Stone kept in the Oratory of Mecca, upon which {{Abraham}} ascended, when he raised the foundations of the Temple of that City: the marks of his feet are upon the Stone to this day.