Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
layeth hold on the strongest knot, that cannot be dissolved, broken, or cut asunder. God understandeth and knoweth all things; he aideth and assisteth them that believe in his unitie; he will cause them to come out of darkness, and will guide them into light: the wicked shall have Tagot, and the devill for their protector; he shall cause them to forsake the light, and shall lead them into darkness: such men shall remain eternally in the fire of hell. Consider you not his action, to whom God had given the royalty? When he disputed concerning God with Abraham; Abraham said to him; My Lord is he that giveth life, and death; He said I, even I, give life and death to my subject, when I see good: Abraham answered, God causeth the Sun to rise in the East, make thou it to arise in the West; then the Infidell was confuted, God is not a guide to unjust persons. Hast thou considered the action of him that came into a Village desolate and ruined, and said, How is it that God can be able to give life unto this Village after its death, and re-establish it after so great a ruine? Then God caused him to die, after the space of an hundred years raised him again, and said to him, How long hast thou continued here? he answered; I have sojourned here a day and a halfe; On the contrary, thou hast been here an hundred years; consider thy meat and drinke, that they are not altered through length of time; and behold, thine Asse is dead, see his bones, that are white; thou shalt become an example to all the world, and to posteritie; see the bones of thine Asse; I will recollect and revest them with flesh: Seeing this miracle, he said, I affirme that God is omnipotent; Remember thou, that Abraham said, Lord shew me how thou revivest the dead; God said, Doest thou not believe my omnipotencie? He answered, yea Lord, but heare my prayer for the repose of my heart; God said; Take foure birds, cut them altogether in pieces, and carry the pieces upon those mountains; this done, call them, they shall speedily return to thee; God knoweth all things, and is most prudent in all his works. The action of them that dispend their goods for his glory, is like unto a grain of Corne that produceth seven eares, and every eare an hundred graines: God multiplieth the
That is Nebrot. See Gelaldin.