Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
all, except some few of them drank at their pleasure; and having past that river with the true believers, they said, we have not this day strength sufficient to resist Goliah and his troops; but such as believed in God, and feared his divine Majesty, said, how often, through the permission of God, hath a small troop defeated a great armie? He is with them that are patient: when they saw Goliah with his troops appear; they said, Lord, give us patience, confirm our steps, and give us victory over the Infidels. They, through the permission of God, vanquished their enemies; David slew Goliah, and God gave him the Royalty, and knowledge of future things. Had not God raised the people one against the other, the whole earth had been full of disorders; such are the miracles of God, as I declare to thee with truth; thou art indeed one of the Prophets of his divine Majesty. We have conferred our graces on the Prophets, on some more than on others; many have spoken to their Lord, and some have been more elevated than others. We gave knowledge to Jesus the Son of Mary, and fortified him through the holy Spirit. Had it pleased God, the Prophets that came heretofore, had not been slain, after they had taught his Commandments. Men were of different opinions; some believed in God, others were impious; had it pleased God, they had not been slain, but he doth what pleaseth him. O ye that are true believers! dispense in alms some part of your wealth that we have given you, before the day arrive, wherein you shall find no ransom, alms, protection, nor prayers that can succour you. Certainly Infidels are greatly too blame. God! There is but one only God, living, and eternal; think not that he slumbereth or sleepeth; whatever is in heaven or in earth is his; who shall intercede for thee with his divine Majestie unless by his permission? He knoweth all the actions of men, and whatever they have done; they know nothing, but what it hath pleased him to teach them. The largeness of his Throne containeth heaven and earth, and the conservation of both is not troublesome to him, he is Omnipotent & glorious. The Law ought not to be abjured, it manifesteth the difference of faith and impiety: He that believeth not in Tagot, or the devill, and hath faith in God, layeth
See Gelaldin.