Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of Elephants, containing five Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the name of God, gracious and merciful. Considerest thou not how thy Lord entreated them that came mounted upon Elephants, to ruine the Temple of Mecca? Was not their conspiracie their own destruction? God sent against them flying troups, that threw upon them stones, whereon were imprinted their names; he made them like to corn sown in fields, devoured by beasts.
The Chapter of Coreis, containing foure Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. Coreis had no humanity for them; the people come every winter, and every summer, to worship the God of the Temple of Mecca, which nourisheth and delivereth them from famine and fear.
The Chapter of the Law, containing seven Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. Sawest thou him that blasphemed against the Law? He it is that devoureth the substance of Orphans, and the bread of the poor: Misery is upon them that are not attentive to their prayers, that are hypocrites, and hinder men to do well.