Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
countenance of the wicked be covered with affliction, they shall enter into fire that is extreamly hot; they shall drink of boyling water, they shall eat nothing but bryers and thorns; they shall be extreamly lean, and famine shall not deliver them from an infinite number of other miseries. That day shall the good be filled with content, they shall be recompensed or their labours; in Paradise they shall hear nothing spoken that may displease them; they shall see fountains flow, lying upon high beds, they shall drink in fair glasses, fixed on diamonds, upon pillows well disposed, and upon pallets well adorned; will not the wicked consider the miracle of the she Camel? how it was created? How heaven was elevated? How the mountains were disposed, how the earth was extended? Preach to the wicked the pains of hell, thou art sent to preach to them, and not to constrain them. God will chastise with his great chastisement him that shall abandon his Law, and traduce the Alcoran; All men shall be one day assembled before his divine Majestie, to give accompt of their actions.
The Chapter of the Morning, containing thirty Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and mercifull. I swear by the Morning, by the tenth night of the moneth, by even and odd, and by the coming of night, That the wicked shall be chastised. Is there any thing in consideration of this oath, that can move men to fly uncleanness? Considerest thou not how God entreated Aad the Sun of Arem, that dwelt in pavillions supported by columns so big, that there were none like to them in his Countrey? Knowest thou not how he used Temod, who hewed stones and rocks to inhabit the Valley? Knowest thou not how he entreated Pharaoh, who pierced with pins the feet and hands of such as he gave up to punishment? Knowest thou not how he entreateth them that heretofore erred from the
See Kitab el tenoir.
Ye shall there see the exposition of his passage.