Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
The Chapter of the High and Mighty, containing seventeen Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Exalt the name of thy Lord, high and mighty; who hath proportioned all that he hath created; he ordaineth what he listeth, and guideth into the right way them that are pleasing to him; he causeth herbs to spring out of the earth, createth them green, rendreth them dry, and altereth them as to him seems good. I will read to thee the Alcoran; forget nothing of what thou shalt read, but that which God shall will thee to forget; he knoweth whatsoever is kept secret in the world, and whatsoever is made manifest. I will instruct thee in his Law; preach the Alcoran, it shall be profitable to him that shall have the fear of God before his eyes: such as shall despise it, shall be miserable, they shall be precipitated into the fire of hell, where they shall not be able, either to live, or die; and he that shall embrace the Law of God, and shall be mindful of his name, shall be blessed. Pray to God at the time appointed. Certainly the righteous shall be heirs of the good things of the earth, and those of heaven that are exceeding great, and eternal; this is written in the ancient books of Abraham and Moses.
The Chapter of the Covering, containing twenty six Verses, written at Mecca.
Gelaldin intituleth this, The Chapter of Judgment, because that day the damned shall be covered with fire and fear. See Exteri.
IN the name of God, gracious and merciful. Hast thou heard mention of the covering? That day shall the countenance