Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
his creatures to die, and rise again when he pleaseth; he is merciful towards them that repent of their sins, and loveth them that serve him. He hath created his throne, to which praise is due eternally; he raiseth up whom he listeth; and nothing is to him impossible. Hast thou heard the History of the people of Pharaoh and Temod? God shall chastise in like manner them that shall not believe in his Law, he knoweth them all. Certainly the precious Alcoran is written in the book that is reserved in heaven.
The Chapter of the Star, or of the North Star, containing seventeen Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the name of God, gracious and merciful. I swear by Heaven, and the Star that teacheth men the way. I will not tell thee by what star; by the star full of brightness; that every person hath a guardian (which observeth the good and the evil that it acteth;) Doth not man consider of what he is created? he is made of a little sprinkled water that issueth out of the body of man and woman? God shall make him to rise again at the day of Judgment, and none shall be able to protect or defend him from the wrath of his divine Majesty. I swear by heaven that returneth the rain, by the earth that openeth it self, and receiveth it, to produce its fruits, that the Alcoran distinguisheth good from evil, and that it was not sent in vain. The unbelievers conspire against the Prophet, but God shall turn their conspiracy against them, and they shall not know it. Be thou patient, and awhile endure the Infidels.