Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
and the night for repose, and the day of labour? have we not built over you seven heavens, and the Sun full of light? have we not caused rain to descend from the clouds, to cause the earth to produce its plants, and gardens of divers fashions? The day of Judgment shall be a day of joy, and sorrow. When the Angel shall sound the Trumpet, all the world shall come in troups to universall Judgment; Heaven shall open its gates, the Mountains shall walk, and hell is the place prepared for the seduced, there shall they remain eternally. They shall finde there no rest, neither drink, but of boyling, and most stinking water, a reward conformed to their works; the Infidels believe not that they must render an accompt of their actions, and blaspheme, but we keep accompt, and write exactly what they do. It will be said to them at the day of Judgment, Taste this day the punishment that ye have merited, your pains shall be augmented, and pains upon pains. They who shall have had the fear of God before their eyes, shall be in a place of felicity, in the gardens of a most fertile Land, enriched with grapes, and Pomegranats; they shall drink in Cups full of a delicious liquor, and shall hear no vain speeches, nor lying; such is the recompence of them that obey the Commandments of God; He is Lord of the heavens and earth, none shall dare to speak when the Spirits and Angels shall be assembled before him, none shall be able to speak or pray for another, without his permission. This day shall be the day of truth; they that shall be acceptable to him, shall retire towards his divine Majesty. We have preached unto you, that the punishment of God shall speedily come upon you; every one shall see all that he shall have done, and the wicked shall say at the day of Judgment, Would to God that I had been earth and dust.