Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
be upon the wicked at the day of Judgment; it shall be said unto them, goe into the fire of hell, which ye would not believe; go into the smoak, divided into three parts, nothing shall free you from the heat thereof, and flight shall not deliver you from that fire; it shall cast forth black flames, that shall rise higher then the highest buildings of the earth, and like to large coverlets of beds, extreamly black. The day of Judgment shall be unhappy to Infidels: It shall be said to them, behold the day of the separation of the good from the bad exercise your slights, if ye can, to deliver you from the pains of hell; the day of Judgment shall be unhappy to Infidels. The good, who shall have had the fear of God before their eyes, shall be under the shadow of the trees of Paradise, nigh to delicious fountains, with all sorts of fruits, that they shall desire. It shall be said to them, eat, and drink at your pleasure, in reward of your good works; thus are the righteous rewarded. The day of Judgment shall be unhappy for Infidels. Oh ye Infidels! live in the world, ye shall be there suffered some time; ye are wicked, but yee shall be miserable at the day of Judgment. The wicked deride them that exhort them to pray to God, they shall be miserable at the day of Judgment. In what will they believe, if they believe not in the Alcoran?
The Chapter of News, containing forty Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. What do the wicked enquire of each other, touching the great news, of which they are in different opinion? They shall learn it, they shall learn it. Have not I created, and extended the earth? have not I raised the Mountains to establish it? Have not we created you, male and female? Have not we created sleep, and