Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
clouds? or did we cause it to descend? if we please, we can render it so salt, that ye shall not be able to drink it; if ye acknowledg not this grace, consider the fire that ye kindle; did ye create the wood that burneth? We created it, to put you in mind of the fire of Hhell, and for the profit of the people. Exalt the name of God most mighty. I swear by him that maketh the Stars to fall, (this is a great oath, if ye understand it,) that the Alcoran is a book worthy of praise, all therein is written in good order, no person shall handle it that is not clean and purified; it is sent from God, Lord of the Universe: if ye renounce what is written in this book, ye shall be in the number of Infidels, and shall know the truth when the soul shall forsake your body; I know this better then you, but ye do not consider it; if ye believe not to rise again, cause your soul to return into your body, when it shall be upon your lips; when a righteous man dyeth, he shall finde rest, and all manner of contentment in the delights of Paradise, if he be of them that hold the book of the accompt of their works in the right hand, and shall be free from eternall paines: If he be in the number of Infidels, and seduced, he shall be precipitated into hell; this is a most certain truth, Exalt the name of thy Lord omnipotent.
The Chapter of Iron, containing twenty nine Verses, written at Medina.
IN the name of God gracious and mercifull. All that is in the heavens and earth, exalteth the glory of God, he is omnipotent and wise; the Kingdom of the heavens and earth is his, he giveth life and death to whom he pleaseth, he is without beginning, and without end, he knoweth all that men make manifest, and whatsoever they keep secret, he knoweth all things. He it is that created the earth and the heavens in six dayes, and sitteth on his throne, he knoweth whatsoever entreth