Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
with black eyes, and who shall be white as polished pearls, for recompense of their good works; they shall not hear an evill word spoken, they shall not sin, and shall hear perpetually the voyce of them that bless them; They that shall hold their book in their right hand, shall be near to an Apple-tree, fresh and without thorne, and near the Tree of * Muse, under a pleasant shadow, by flowing water, with store of fruits of all seasons; they shall use [them] with freedome, lying on delicious beds. We have created the daughters of Paradise Virgins, and affectionate to their husbands, for the content of them that shall have in their right hands the book of the accompt of their actions, and of many of those that were in the first Ages, and of many of such as shall be in the latter: Those that shall have their book of accompt in the left hand, shall be tormented with an exceeding hot winde, they shall drink boyling water, they shall be in a black, hot, and salt smoak, for that they were luxurious in the world, for that they were negligent to observe the Commandments of God, and continued in the enormity of their sins. The Infidels say, what! after death we shall be earth, and dust, and shall we rise again with our fathers and predecessors? Say unto them, you, your Predecessors, and posterity, shall all be assembled before God to be judged; Then, oh wicked Impostors! shall ye eat of the fruit of the Tree * Zacon; ye shall fill your belly, ye shall drink boyling water, and be daily altered; behold your condition at the day of Judgment. We created all of you; if ye believe it not, consider the wealth ye possesse; did you your selves create it? We have appointed that ye shall dye; we can if we please, put other creatures like unto you in your place, and metamorphize you into another forme, which ye know not; we caused the soul to enter into the body; if ye consider not this, think upon your tillage; do ye make the earth to bring forth fruits? or do I cause them to spring forth? If I will, I can render your fields drie as straw, without grain, nevertheless are ye proud; Ye say, what! shall our grain that we have sown be lost? No, we will preserve it; Consider the water that ye drink, have ye made it to fall from the clouds?
* Muse is a fruit common in Egypt.
* Zacon is the tree of Hell.
See Gelaldin.