Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
own Lord? Good deeds are recompenced with good deeds; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? There be yet other Gardens, wherein are herbs exceeding green, Rivers, Dates, Pomegranets, and all sorts of fruits; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? There be in these Gardens women, who have eyes exceeding black, and bodies exceeding white, they are covered with pavillions, and none, either men, or Angels shall touch them before their husbands; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? They shall repose upon green Carpets, near rivolets, bordered with flowers; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Praised be the name of God thy Lord, honour and glory are due to him eternally.
The Chapter of Judgment, containing fourescore and nineteen Verses, written at Medina.
IN the name of God, gracious and mercifull. The day of Judgment will come, none can deny it. That day shall many be afflicted and humbled, and many shall be elated, and rejoyced; the Earth shall tremble, the Mountain open, and be dispersed like dust carryed away by the winde; ye shall he present at that day, in a threefold manner; * Some shall have in their right hand the book, wherein shall be written all their actions. * Others shall have it in their left hand, and * such as preceded them in well-doing, shall be the nearest to his divine Majesty, and the highest in Paradise; there shall be a great number of the first Ages, and few of the latter; they shall repose upon beds, adorned with gold, and precious stones; they shall look upon each other; young boyes shall goe about them with vessels, Cups, and Goblets, full of delicious drink, that shall not offend the head, neither intoxicate them; they shall have all the fruits that they can covet, and such vyands as they shall desire; they shall have women with
* These are the Blessed.
* Theses are the Damned.
* The Prophets.