Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? he hath created the Ships that float upon the Sea, big as Mountains; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? all things shall have end, and the majestique and glorious face of thy Lord shall be permanent; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Whatsoeoer is in Heaven and in Earth, imploreth his grace, he is ever himself; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Oh ye men and Devils! I will require an accompt of your actions; what Lord will ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Oh ye men and Devils! pass the extremities of Heaven and Earth, goe beyond them if ye can, ye have not the power; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? If he send against you flames without smoak, and smoak without fire, ye cannot defend your selves; what Lord do you blaspheme, but your own Lord? When the heaven openeth, it resembleth a rose, or a crimson-coloured skin; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? The time will come, when an accompt shall be required from men and Devils of their sinnes: what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? The wicked shall be known by their countenance, an accompt shall be required of their readiness and negligence; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Behold hell! which the wicked would not believe; they shall turn round about, and round about in boyling water, of which they shall drink; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? Such as have had the fear of God before their eyes, shall enter into gardens, where the trees are covered with branches and leaves, adorned with Rivers and Fountains, with abundance of all sorts of fruits; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? They shall repose upon fair beds, lined with Crimson; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? They shall gather the fruits of this garden, to their contentment; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? They shall there have wives, who shall not cast a look, but upon them, and whom no person, man, or Angel shall touch before them; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your Lord? They shall resemble Corall and Rubies; what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own