Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
obtain victory over the believers? On the contrary, they are vanquished, and turn the back. Certainly the hour of their punishment shall speedily come, their time approacheth, and their pain in Hell shall be greater then that of the Earth, they are wholly seduced from the way of Salvation, and shall be dragged, and cast headlong into eternall flames. We have created all things by our sole power; we spake but one word, and in the twinkling of an eye the thing was; we heretofore destroyed a great number of Infidels like unto them, will there be any that considereth it? All the good and the evill that they have done is exactly written. The righteous shall dwell in pleasant gardens, they shall drink in eternall rivers, they shall not speak a lye in their assemblies, and shall dwell eternally near to the most majestique and Omnipotent God.
The Chapter of the Mercifull, containing eighteen Verses, written at Medina.
IN the name of God gracious and mercifull. The merciful hath taught the Alcoran; he hath created man, and given him the use of reason; he created the Sun and the Moon to count seasons, the Stars and Trees adore him; he hath elevated the Heavens, established Justice, and commanded to weigh with good weights; he hath created the Earth for the habitation of men, with all sorts of fruits, grain, and leaves; he created the winds and tempests: Oh men and Devils! What Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? He created man of Earth, like a pot, and the Devils of the flame of fire: what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? He is the Lord of both the Wests, and both the Easts, what Lord do you blaspheme, but your own Lord? He maketh the fresh water to mingle with the salt, and the one easily mingleth with the other: what Lord do ye blaspheme, but your own Lord? he bringeth Pearls and Corall out of the Sea; what Lord do