Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
exalt the glory of thy Lord before the Sun go down, and before it rise; pray to thy Lord at the entrance of the night, the last of all shall be worship. Hearken when the Angel shall call thee to generall Judgment; that day shall all the world hear the Trumpet; the people shall come out of their sepulchres, and earth shall open before the eyes of men. I give life and death, and all the world shall be assembled before me to be judged. This assembly is easie for me to accomplish; I know what the wicked say, thou shalt not cause them by force to embrace my Law: teach it those that fear the torments prepared for Infidels.
The Chapter of Things dispersed, containing sixty Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. I swear by the winds that disperse the dust, by the clouds charged with rain, by the ship that runneth upon the waters, and by them that divide the wealth of the earth; that what hath been promised to you, is true, and that the day of Judgment is infallible. I swear by heaven, and the stars thereof, that ye are in an exceeding great error; God expelleth lyars far from him, he curseth them that blaspheme, and such as believe not in the Resurrection: They ask, When shall be the day of Judgment? That day shall they be punished in the fire of Hell. It shall be said unto them, taste the torments that ye have with impatience deManded. They who had the fear of God before their eyes, shall be in gardens, adorned with fountains, they shall enjoy the pleasures prepared for them by God, because they are righteous; they sleep very little by night, implore pardon of God at the dawning of the day, and give alms to the poor that beg, and the poor that are bashful. God manifesteth on the earth, and in your persons, the signs of his omnipotency; consider ye not that what is promised to you is written in heaven? God
Gelaldin and Falkredin intitle this the Chapter of things that disperse.