Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
God is Lord of heaven and earth, he is truth it self, will ye not confess him? did the Angels conveigh to thee the books of Abraham? When they entred into his house, they saluted him; he likewise saluted them, made signs to his servants to bring a fat calfe roasted, which he presented to them; he said unto them, wherefore do ye not eat? and was afraid in his minde, of their coming: They said, fear not, we are the Messengers of God; they declared to him that he should have a son, that should be a great personage. Then his wife drew near, crying with a loud voyce, and smiting her face, said, one that is barren beareth no childe; they said, the thing shall come to pass as we have spoken, thy Lord ordaineth what pleaseth him, and knoweth all. Abraham said unto them, O ye Messengers of God! what is your design? they replied, we are sent from God to destroy the Cities inhabited by the wicked, and cast upon them stones of fire, whereon are inscribed the names of them that they shall strike: We will cause all the righteous to depart from among them; if we finde there but one family of righteous, we will there leave an example to posterity for them that fear the torments of hell. Moses is a sign of our omnipotency; we sent him to Pharaoh with reasons clear and intelligible, he despised my Commandments, and said, That Moses was a Magician, and possessed of the devil, but we surprised him, and drowned his people, to his great displeasure; Aad is an example of our omnipotency: we sent an impetuous winde against those wicked people, that destroyed them. Temod is an example of our omnipotency, with his Nation; they waxed proud, and resisted the Commandments of their Lord; when it was said to them, that the punishment of the wicked was deferred to another time; but thunder surprised them, they saw it, they had not the power to stand on their feet, and were deprived of protection. The people of Noahs time are an example of our omnipotency, we destroyed them, because they were impious: we built heaven with strength and virtue; I am he that giveth power and strength; we extended the earth, and created of every thing, male and female; perhaps ye will consider it. Say unto them, turn ye to God; I am sent from him to