Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
with the mouth, what they have in the heart; Say unto them, who but God is able to do ought for you? if it be his will to bring good or evill upon you, he is omnipotent, and knoweth all that you do. Ye believed that the Prophet and Truebelievers should be slain when they fought for the Law of God; ye believed that they should never return to their houses. This opinion rejoyced your heart, but you were deceived, and were your selves destroyed with them that believed not in God, nor his Prophets; God hath prepared the fire of hell for Infidels; the kingdom of the heavens and earth appertaineth to him, he punisheth and chastiseth whom he listeth, he is gracious and merciful. When ye shall go to the spoil, such as refused before to follow you to the fight, will say, permit us to go with you; they would pervert the Word of God. Say unto them, ye shall not follow us in this occasion, God hath not heretofore ordained it; they will reply, certainly ye are envious against us; on the contrary, they understand not the Law of God, except very few among them. Say to the Arabians, that refused to follow thee, ye shall be called to fight against miserable men, yee shall fight them, nevertheless they shall still be obedient to God; if yee obey and fight for the Faith, he will largely reward you; if ye desert his service, as heretofore ye have done, he shall severely chastise you. The blinde, the lame, and the sick, are not obliged to go to the war. He that shall obey God and his Prophet, shall dwell eternally in gardens, wherein flow many rivers; and he that shall disobey Gods Commandments, shall be punished for his disobedience. God accepted their action that repaired to thee under the tree, he knew what they had in their hearts, their confirmed he steps, and gave them victory, he is omnipotent and wise. God had promised you great spoil, he gave it you, and delivered you from the hands of the people; this shall serve for a sign of his omnipotency to the true-believers, he will conduct you into the right way; none but you could have atchieved that conquest, he well knew that that was for none other, he is omnipotent: if the wicked fight you, they shall fly, they shall turn the back, and finde none to protect