Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
protect them. Observe the Law of God against them, do as was heretofore commanded you; the Law of God admits no alteration; God hath delivered you from their hands, and delivered them into yours in the midst of Mecca, having given you victory over them; he beholdeth all their actions, they have despised the Commandments of his divine Majesty, and hindred you heretofore to go to the Temple of Mecca; they are at present prisoners, without the assistance of the truebelievers that were within the city with you; ye had not known them, ye had trampled them under foot without distinction, and had offended God without knowledg of your sin. God bestoweth his mercy on whom he pleaseth; had ye been separated from the unbelievers, we had severely punished them. When they were succoured of the ignorant, and had some advantage, God put his Prophet, and all the believers in a place of safety, they had recourse to the word of force and vertue, wherein they did better than the Infidels; God knoweth all. Assuredly the dream of the Prophet of God was true, when he dreamed that ye were in the Temple of Mecca without fear, your hair shaven, and beards trimed; fear nothing, God knoweth what you know not; in lieu of this dream, he hath given you a great victory; he it is that hath sent you his Prophet, to teach you his Law, more salutary then all other Laws of the world. It is sufficient, that God is witness that Mahomet is his Prophet, and Apostle; it sufficeth that the true believers, who are with him, bear testimony. God encreaseth his mercy towards those Infidels that convert; thou shalt see them worship God, humble themselves before his divine Majesty, and implore his grace; thou shalt know them by their aspect, they shall have in their countenance the marks of their zeal; it is so written in the Old Testament and the Gospel; they are like a plant that produceth its leaves, that grows strong by little and little, and becometh big, afterwards it taketh strength upon its roots, becometh a great tree, and the wood thereof serveth to make war against Infidels. God hath promised his mercy, and an exceeding great reward to the Infidels that shall be converted, that shall believe in his Law, and do good works.