Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
unproprofitable; think they that God will never make manifest their malice? If thou wilt, I will make it appear, thou shalt know them by their countenance, thou shalt discover them by their voyce and speech. Say unto them, God knoweth all your actions; he shall prove you, to discover the believers, and the unbelievers. The wicked, who hinder the people to follow the way of Salvation, that contradict the Prophet, after they have had knowledg of the Law of God, hurt not his divine Majesty, their actions are vain and unprofitable. Oh ye that believe! obey God, and his Prophet, and render not your good works ineffectual through disobedience; he pardoneth not the wicked, who seduce the people from the way of Salvation, and dye in their impiety: Be not faint-hearted and flothful, ye shall be victorious, God is with you. He will not deprive you of reward; the life of this world is but foolish pastime and delusion; if ye believe in God, and have his fear before your eyes, he will recompense you for your good works, he requireth not an accompt of your riches; if he do require [it] of you, it is to hinder you to be avaricious, and to banish usury from among them that believe in his Law: Oh people! ye are commanded to make some expence for the love of God: He that shall be a niggard, and avaricious in this occurrence, shall be avaricious, and a niggard to himself. God is rich, and ye are poor; if ye despise his Law, he will create in your place other persons, that shall not do like you.