Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
there be in Paradise rivers of water, that receiveth no alteration; there be rivers of milk that never corrupteth, rivers of wine, savoury and delicious to the taste; rivers of honey, pure and clean; fruits of all sorts, and the grace of God for them that shall obey his Commandments; the wicked shall remain eternally in the fire of Hell, where they shall drink a boyling liquor, that shall burn their entrails. There be persons among the Insidels, that hear what thou dost preach; when they are gone from thee, their Doctors demand of them what thou hast said concerning the day of Judgment? God hath hardned the hearts of such men, and they shall never follow but their own passions. God encreaseth the graces of them that obey his Commandments, and fortifieth them in their perseverance: Shall the Infidels tarry untill the day of Judgment surprizeth them? The signes of that day hath already appeared, that day shall repentance be in vain: There is no God but God, implore from him parden of thy sinne; and for these men and women, that believe in his Law, he knoweth what they do day and night: If the Chapter of the place where Justice is rendred, had not been sent, and had not made mention of Combats, thou hadst not seen them, that doubt of the Law, look upon thee with eyes troubled, because of their fears of dying. Teach them obedience, and speak to them with civility. Had they believed, and obeyed, when they were appointed to fight, they had performed a good work. Have ye disobeyed? Have ye abandoned the Law of God, to defile the Earth? and to deprive your selves of his mercy? God rendreth them whom he curseth, and who comprehend not the truth of the Alcoran, deaf and blind. Have they a firm heart? Such as have returned to their impiety, after having known the right way, were tempted of the Devill, and particularly, when they told the Infidels that they would obey them in any thing, God knoweth all their secrets; what will become of them when the Angels shall cause them to dye? they shall beat them before and behind, because they have incurred the wrath of God, and despised his Commandments; their good works shall be unproprofitable;