Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall suffer exceeding great torments. The East and West are Gods, whithersoever men turn themselves, the face of God doth there meet them, his Divinity extendeth through the whole earth. They said, beleeve you that God hath a Son? Praised be God on the contrary; whatever is either in earth or heaven, appertaineth to his Divine Majestie, and all things obey him; he hath created heaven and earth, and when he willeth any thing, he saith, Be thou, and it is. The unbeleevers said, if God speak not to us, or if thou performest no miracles, we will not beleeve thee; their predecessors have said as much, and their words have been like unto their hearts; we have caused miracles to appear to the righteous, and have sent thee to preach and instruct the people; inquire not why those that shall descend into hell will not believe thee; the Jews and Christians will not be satisfied of thee, untill thou follow their opinion; say unto them, there is no better guide in the world then God: take heede lest thou follow their appetites, after that thou hast comprehended the knowledge which we inspired into thee; who except God, will be thy defendor? They whom we have taught the Scripture, that study and read it with truth, beleeve the contents of it; and they that do not beleeve, are damned. O children of Israel, call to minde the favour that I did you; I preferred you before all the world, feare the day wherein one soul shall not be able to assist another, when a ransom shall not be accepted, neither excuse; and when the wicked shall not be protected. Remember thou, that Abraham requested of the Lord an accomplishment of his Word; he said to him, I will establish thee among the people, to teach them the mysteries of my Law: and he said, what shall become of my Linage? He answered, Paradise shall not be open to the unjust. We have established the Temple of Mecca for a sure refuge of the people, in repentance; he made his Oratorie at Abrahams place; and we have commanded Abraham and Ismael to keep clean my house for them that shall repair thither in procession, with humility and adoration. When Abraham received this command, he said, Lord fortifie this City, and enrich its people with all good things, and all the inhabitants thereof, that shall believe in thy divine Majestie, and the day of judgment. God
Abrahams place is an Oratory in the Temple of Mecca.