Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
but, through the permission of God, the people learned of them what might hurt, and not be profitable to them; they instructed in Magick them that sold their part in Paradise, at the loss of their souls, although they knew their error, that they had before believed in God, and feared his Divine Majestie. Repentance inspired by God is exceeding profitable, if they understood to know it. O you that fear God, say not, honour us; say, regard us, and hearken to what is commanded you. To Infidels are prepared dolorous torments; the Jews and Christians desired not that God should send you good, but God very liberall, gratifieth with his mercy whom he pleaseth: he will not alter his Commandments, neither forget them; he will moreover teach others more profitable, or of the like nature; know you not that God is omnipotent? understand you not that to God appertains the Kingdom of heaven, and of earth; who except God will be your protector? Will you question your Prophet, as Moses was heretofore questioned? He that shall change faithinto impiety, shall forsake the good way. Many that have knowledge in the Scripture, endeavoured to mislead you through impiety and envie, notwithstanding they are not ignorant of the Truth; forgive them, and beware of them, untill God hath (otherwise) disposed, he is Omnipotent. Make your prayers at the time appointed, and pay your Tithes, you shall find before God the good that you do for your souls; he beholdeth all your actions. They have said, that none but the Jews and Christians shall enter into Paradise, it is their false invention; say unto them, if you be good men, bring your Reasons on the contrary, he that resigneth himself to God, and is a just man, shall be recompensed by his divine Majestie, there needeth not be any fear for him, he shall not be tormented in the fire of hell. The Jews say, the Christians are void of reason; and the Christians affirm the Jews to be without reason, nevertheless they study the Scripture, so speak the ignorant, God will determine their difference at the day of the Resurrection. Who is more unjust, than he that hindred, that God be remembred in Temples, and that studieth nought but their destruction? such men cannot enter therein, but with fear and terrour; they shall have on earth shame upon the forehead, and, in the other world, shall
The Jews and Christians who have the written Law: See Gelaldin.