Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
God said, I will for a time enrich the Infidels also, and precipitate them into the fire of hell, where they shall remain to all eternity. When Abraham and Ismael raised the foundations of the Temple of Mecca, Abraham said, Lord accept our vows; thou understandest all, and knowest all things: Lord give us the grace to be obedient to thy Commandments, and let a people issue from our loyns that may observe thy Law: Shew us the way we ought to follow, and have mercy upon us; thou art gracious and merciful: Lord send to this thy people a Prophet of their nation, to preach to them thy Commandments, to instruct them in Scripture and knowledge, and to purifie them, thou art omnipotent and wise. No man shall abandon the Law of Abraham, but to his own damage, I have chosen him in this world, and he is in the other, in the number of the just. Remember thou, that his Lord said to him, Be thou obedient to thy Lord, and trust thou in him; he said, I resign my self to God, Lord of the Universe: He comManded Jacob and his children, to follow the Law of God. My children, God hath taught you his Law, trust you in him, be obedient to him even unto death. Were you present when Jacob was near unto death? and when he said to his sons, Whom will ye adore after me? They answered, We will worship thy God, the God of our Fathers, Abraham, Ismael, and Isaac, one sole God; we resign our selves to his pleasure. The good that those men gained, remained to them, and the evil that you shall commit, shall be against you; enquire not after what they did. They have said, Be ye either Jew, or Christian, you shall follow the right way. Say unto them, contrariwise, The law of Abraham is most just, he was not of the number of them that believed in many Gods. Say ye, We believe in God, in what he inspired into Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, in what was taught Moses, Jesus, and all the Prophets, we rely upon God. If they believe as you do, they shall not erre; if they abandon your faith, they will have a controversie with you, but God shall protect you; he understandeth whatever they say, and what they do; he hath purified his Law, and what better purification is there, than that of his Divine Majesty? Say unto them, Will you dispute with us concerning God, who is your, and