Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the world among men; Some there be that are more eminent, and scorn each other, but the mercy of God is more advantageous then the riches of the Earth, which they accumulate: Although all the people be not of the same Religion, we cease not to bestow on the wicked houses adorned with seelings, enchased with silver, staires, doores, and beds of silver and gold; These things are the riches of the Earth, and Paradise is for them that are righteous. I will cause to fall headlong with the Devils, such as shall reject the Law of the mercifull; the Devils shall be their companions, they shall seduce them from the way of Salvation, and they shall not know it. When we shall come to judge the Universe, they shall say, Would to God we had been as remote from you, as the West is from the East. Oh what company for you! This day your repentance and your hopes shall be vain; ye were Infidels for company, ye shall be companions in the fire of Hell. Wilt thou make the blinde to see, and the deaf to hear? Wilt thou guide them that wilfully erre? If they dye before being punished on Earth, I will be avenged on them in the other world. Shall I shew thee during thy life, the punishment that we have prepared for them? We can do it, but do thou only what hath been commanded thee, thou art in the way of salvation, instruct men therein; an accompt of thy mission shall be required of thee. I will require an accompt of their mission that we sent heretofore to instruct the people, we will demand of them, if we appointed them to worship any other God but us. We sent Moses to Pharaoh, and his Ministers, he caused them to see our Miracles, and preached to them our Commandments; he told them that he was the Messenger of the God of the Universe, nevertheless they scoffed. I shewed them no greater Miracle than that of Moses his sister, and we chastised them, because of their incredulity. They said unto Moses, Oh Magician! pray unto thy Lord, that he deliver us from these evils, and we will be converted; when they were delivered, they violated their promises; and Pharaoh said to his people, am not I King of Ægypt? Doth not the River Nilus flow under my obedience? Know ye not